
My paper The Effects of the Venezuelan Refugee Crisis on the Brazilian Labor Market got an R&R in the Journal of Economic Geography!

I am Hugo Sant’Anna, a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Georgia, John Munro Godfrey, Sr. Department of Economics.

My research interests are labor economics and applied econometrics. I am particularly interested in how labor markets shape wages.

In my job market paper, I employ a Gaussian mixture model on a large administrative data to measure how worker-firm assortativity affects the gender wage gap. [details]

In my second year paper, I employ a doubly robust DID model on administrative data to show how complementarity between formal and the informal markets can positively and negatively affect wages. [details]

I am also working on a more theoretical econometrics paper to provide imputation methods to covariates that may be affected by treatment. [details]

I will be on the 2024/2025 job market.

My curriculum vitae

Reach me at hsantanna@uga.edu


  • Primary: Labor Economics, Applied Econometrics
  • Secondary: Applied Microeconomics
